[Histonet] Off Topic: Automated Image analysis
Mark Ray
darkdaym <@t> mindspring.com
Wed Mar 16 05:16:02 CST 2005
Louise and Tony and all the rest,
I see this issue as slightly more complex. Intsrumedics' postings are
generally a reply to someone's posted request for help. Such things are
supposed to be OK on Histonet. I think you would agree, Tony, that
vendor response to specific help requests is not necessarily a bad
thing. Lab workers don't always have knowledge of every specialized
product. Christof's posting doesn't fall into this category, however.
It is an _unsolicited announcement_ of a new, apparently unique,
product. I'm not exactly sure how I feel about this. Maybe Christof is
doing a service to people who could use his software and might not
otherwise hear about it for a while. This is the only announcement
we've seen from him, it's not very long, obtrusive or hard sell. Maybe
Histonet should allow these kind of postings if they don't become too
annoying or get in the way. Pests have been flamed out of existence in
the past and certainly could be in the future.
Mark Ray
renton louise mrs wrote:
>Actually I see no difference between this and Instrumedics' standard reply to any cutting or cryosectioning problem...perhaps we should put a ban on all punting of commercial wares
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Tony Henwood <AnthonyH <@t> chw.edu.au>
>To: "'Christof Krug'" <Christof.Krug <@t> t-online.de>
>Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 08:01:39 +1100
>Subject: RE: [Histonet] AW: Automated Image analysis
>This seems to be a blatant addvertisement!
>Christof this is not allowed on histonet
>Tony Henwood JP, MSc, BAppSc, GradDipSysAnalys, CT(ASC)
>Laboratory Manager & Senior Scientist
>The Children's Hospital at Westmead,
>Locked Bag 4001, Westmead, 2145, AUSTRALIA.
>Tel: 612 9845 3306
>Fax: 612 9845 3318
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Christof Krug [mailto:Christof.Krug <@t> t-online.de]
>Sent: Wednesday, 16 March 2005 1:06 AM
>To: histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
>Subject: [Histonet] AW: Automated Image analysis
>Hi Yan
>I have developed an automatic image analysis software (www.cvistec.com
><http://www.cvistec.com/> ) for complex biomedical images. It is best suited
>for high throughput, high content image analysis and tissue microarrays.
>Customized measurement solutions for your specific images can be add. If you
>are interested, please get in touch with me.
>Kind regards
>Chistof Krug
>Informatikbüro Christof Krug
>D-81929 München
>Phone +49 89 99341972
>Mobil +49 170 5836734
>Fax +49 89 99341974
>Email info <@t> cvistec.com
>WWW www.cvistec.com <http://www.cvistec.com/>
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>Louise Renton
>Bone Research Unit
>University of the Witwatersrand
>South Africa
>.......so what IS the speed of dark?
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