[Histonet] mouse heart morphology

David McClister mcclistd <@t> musc.edu
Mon Mar 7 12:29:42 CST 2005

Here is some more info about my situation with these mice hearts.  Once the heart is extracted, it is put in saline 5 min, blotted dry, longitudinally cut and frozen in a mixture of ethanol and dry ice then stored in -80.  The temperature of the crystat is -20.  When the heart is cut, I cannot see the RV and LV chambers just one big heart.  I'm doing a H&E and taking a 1x image to see the heart.  Dentamold has been used in the past to keep the chambers separate but I could not get quality sections cutting through it. Does anyone have any suggestions how I can make the morphology 
of frozen tissue comparable to paraffin embedded tissue?

Thanks again,
Dave McClister

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