[Histonet] Olympus DP70 - opinions?

Mikael Niku mikael.niku <@t> helsinki.fi
Fri Jun 3 03:25:43 CDT 2005


We are planning to get a new digital camera for our Leica DM4000 microscope.
The camera will be used for photographing both normal light microscopy 
and standard epifluorescence microscopy of various histological samples.

One of the cameras we have tested is Olympus DP70, which seems to be 
pretty good. However, I'm a bit uncertain of the specific technology 
used in the camera (it has a 1.4 megapixel CCD which is slightly moved 
around to produce up to 12 megapixel images).

So, if anyone has experience in this system, I'd welcome any comments.

Of course, recommendations for other systems will also be appreciated. 
Briefly, we need a camera for colour work, sensitive enough for 
epifluorescence, and let's say at least 4-5 megapixels.


  Mikael Niku             URL: www.helsinki.fi/~mniku/
  University of Helsinki  Dept. Basic Veterinary Sciences

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