[Histonet] ER quantitative controls

Rene J Buesa rjbuesa <@t> yahoo.com
Wed Dec 21 16:15:55 CST 2005

Hello Barb:
  We used the Dako HercepTest and there are positive controls with it (they are paraffin embedded cultured cells pearls). Since there are only few slides/test kit, we used to 
  batch our tests and use 1 control slide/run of several cases.
  Sometimes we had + cases to be used as controls but a case has a particular
  positivity condition, and the slides provided by Dako contain the different + values in the same slide.
  Perhaps you could contact them and find out if they can sell you + slides.
  René J.

bamoe <@t> gundluth.org wrote:

Hello all -

For those labs reporting ER results as quantitative (1+, 2+, 3+) --- two

1) Does your control tissue show representation of the 3 different grades
- meaning that there is tissue staining as 1+, another piece staining as
2+, and a third piece showing 3+ staining? Or do you simply show a
positive reaction?

2) If you do show representation of 1+, 2+, 3+ could you please share your
process of obtaining control tissue?

Thank you for any comments!

Barb Moe
Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center
La Crosse WI

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