[Histonet] microwave processing tips?
Dick Paulson [Source Medical Products]
dpconsult <@t> earthlink.net
Sat Dec 10 18:42:33 CST 2005
There are 2 books you should read to get a firm grasp on the state of
microwave technology in the laboratory.
Microwaves for the Art of Microscopy
by L.P. Kok and Mathilde E. Boon
Coulomb Press Leyden, 2003.
Microwave Technology for Light Microscopy and Ultrastructural Studies
by Anthony S-Y Leong, M.D.
I submit to you that Microwaves for the Art of Microscopy should be
included in the Reference Library of any lab investigating or using
microwave technology. It is a unique collaboration between a physicist and
a pathologist.
I have included below the full Table of Contents for both books to peak your
You can get these books at:
Milestone Medical Products
Phone (866) 995-5300
$115.00 - Microwaves for the Art of Microscopy
$ 55.00 - Microwave Technology for Light Microscopy and Ultrastructural
Dick Paulson
Source Medical Products
dpconsult <@t> earthlink.net
Microwaves for the Art of Microscopy by
L. P. Kok, Biomedical Engineering, University of Groningen
Mathilde E. Boon, Leiden Cytology and Pathology Laboratory, Leiden
370 Pages - 900 references
Mathilde E. Boon is the senior pathologist at, and the director of, the
Leiden Cytology and Pathology Laboratory. She was trained in the late
sixties as a cytologist at Ann Arbor (Michigan), then as a pathologist at
Leiden, The Netherlands. She has headed subsequently the Departments of
Cytology at the Leiden University and at Delft. She has authored more than
three hundred scientific papers on cytology, pathology, laboratory
techniques, and microwaves.
L. P. Kok is a theoretical physicist and a full professor in Theoretical
Biomedical Engineering at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. In
that city he also obtained his Ph.D. degree, in 1969. He worked for extended
periods in Italy, Israel, the US, and the USSR. He has authored more than
two hundred and fifty publications, starting off in the field of quantum
scattering theory of few-body systems. Books he (co)authored address
subjects in quantum mechanics, stereology, and the use of microwaves in
laboratory technique.
Together they started to publish on the use of microwaves in the pathology
laboratory some twenty years ago. This work led to four books on this
subject, the most recent one being "Microwaves for the Art of Microscopy",
appearing in 2003.
With their background in physics and pathology they did more innovative
work. In the nineties, they introduced neural-network scanning technology in
cervical screening. This application is still very successful, until now
some 700,000 patients were screened using this technique.
In 1985, the pathologist Boon introduced microwaving and coagulant fixation
in her laboratory. These unconventional methods are, in a fine-tuned manner,
still used for all the incoming diagnostic material. They are the basics for
the workshop at the NSH Convention. There, Dr Kok will give a presentation
concerning the physics background of the use of microwaves in pathology. Dr
Boon will present the practical side of the application of microwaves for
fixation, (automated) histoprocessing, and other techniques. In addition,
she will conduct the discussion of artifacts with clinical examples.
Table of Contents
1. Microwaves for beginners
Introduction to light and heat
Heat: convection, conduction, and radiation
The electromagnetic spectrum
The dual nature of microwaves
New perspectives to the microscopist
2. Microwaves are electromagnetic waves
Microwaves? For microscopy?
Electromagnetic waves
Electromagnetic spectrum
Electromagnetic radiation
Terminology: (ir)radiation versus exposure and emission
3. Microwaves and society
Origins of radar
Applications of microwaves
From radar, via cooking, to the laboratory
Hazards of microwaves
The 1982 ANSI standard and the 1988 IRPA standard
The body as an antenna
Hazards of microwave ovens
4. Interaction between microwaves and matter
The optics of microwaves: reflection and refraction
Concentration effects in the optics of microwaves
Molecular picture of dielectric media in electric fields
Macroscopic description of microwaves in media
Dielectric data and depth of penetration of microwaves
Depth of penetration into slightly conducting media
Penetration into highly conducting media
Antenna properties of exposed objects
Standing waves and standing-wave phenomena
The microwave effect and The temperature effect. What is
Preferential stimulation; microwave stimulated diffusion
Microwave-assisted chemistry and chemical-reaction rates
Defrosting: runaway heating
Conclusion: lessons from the food industry
5. From Domestic microwave ovens to laboratory microwave processors
Operation and precautions
The microwave oven as a resonant cavity. Hot spots
Power-level control of microwave ovens
Power and efficiency of microwave ovens
Shielding and detection of unwanted microwaves
Microwave-transparent materials, susceptors, and active packaging
Domestic microwave oven or laboratory processor? A legal question
6. Microwave processors, temperature control, and robustness of procedures
Temperature measurement in microwave environment
Historical ways of measuring temperature in microwave cavities
Infrared thermometry
Variation of temperature of exposed objects
A uniform microwave heating pattern is a fiction
General characteristics of microwave processors
The rise, usage, and fall of the water load
7. Transport properties
Viscosity of liquids
Diffusion in liquids
Heat capacity
Thermal conductivity and transport of heat
Electric conductivity
External versus internal heating: the beef experiment
The power of vacuum and low-pressure histology
High-altitude microscopy and superheating
8. History of the use of microwaves for microscopy
The first two decades of microwave publications
Microwave publications ordered by subject
§ History of microwave fixation and stabilization
§ History of microwave histoprocessing
§ History of microwave-stimulated staining
§ History of microwaves and immunostaining
§ History of microwaves and enzyme incubations
§ History of microwaves and ELISA
§ History of microwaves and botany
§ History of microwaves in entomology
§ History of microwaves and antigen retrieval
§ History of microwaves and electron microscopy
§ Miscellany
9. Grossing
The gross room
§ Grossing large operation specimens
§ Microwave hardening of large operation specimen
§ Hardening of human brains
§ Hardening of small human embryos
§ Grossing small operation specimens
§ Grossing biopsies
§ Surgical margins of microwave-treated operation specimen
§ From the grossing room to the pathology report
§ In situ stabilization brains in live rats by Løberg and Torvik
10. Microwave-Stimulated fixation with formalin
§ Introduction
§ Formaldehyde fixation and microwave exposure
§ DNA and RNA in formalin-fixed tissue
Formaldehyde-glutaraldehyde mixture for histochemistry
§ Microwave-stimulated fixation for in situ hybridization
§ Microwave-stimulated formalin fixation of perfused laboratory
§ Microwave exposure with low formalin concentrations for the
detection of dopamine
11. Microwave stimulation of coagulant formalin-free fixatives
§ Coagulant fixatives
§ Ethyl alcohol polyethylene glycol fixatives: Kryofix and BoonFix
§ Selecting a fixative for DNA and RNA preservation
§ Experiences with Kryofix
§ Comparing microwave coagulation with microwave-stimulated Kryofix
fixation: the egg experiment
§ Microwave-stimulated Kryofix fixation
§ Flow of specimen in the Kryofix laboratory
12. Microwave stabilization of fresh tissue by microwave heating
§ Introduction
§ Microwave stabilization without postfixation
§ Hybrid method: microwave stabilization with postfixation
§ Microwave stabilization of lungs
§ Perfusion of laboratory animals
§ Combining microwave stabilization and paraffin embedding
§ Combining microwave stabilization and frozen sectioning
§ Comparison of different microwave stabilization and fixation methods
§ Microwave stabilization of tissue and cells for immunocytology
§ Microwave stabilization of myocard to delineate necrosis
13. Microwaves for paraffin histoprocessing
The fixative factor
§ Formalin as fixative for paraffin sections
§ Coagulant fixatives for paraffin sections
Reagents used for microwave histoprocessing
§ Dehydration fluid
§ The intermedium
Paraffin wax
Differences between microwave and conventional histoprocessing
Vacuum histoprocessing in the Milestone LAVIS microwave processor
§ Exploiting low boiling temperatures under vacuum
§ Troubleshooting in the first-generation microwave vacuum
Introduction of a vacuum-drying step in 1997
The Milestone MicroMED URM vacuum Histoprocessor
The Milestone RHS-1 vacuum processor
Vacuum histoprocessing using JFC solution in the Milestone
Vacuum histoprocessing using ethyl alcohol/isopropanol solution in
the Milestone processors
Microwave histoprocessing in the Pelco processors
The Tissue-Tek continuous rapid processor of Sakura
The story of microwave histoprocessing using domestic ovens
The story of the H2500 and the H2800 microwave processor
The future of microwave histoprocessing and automation
14. Combining microwave and freeze techniques
Combining cryostat-sectioning and microwave-stimulated fixation in
surgical pathology
Combining cryostat-sectioning and microwave-stimulated fixation for
Microwave-stimulated fixations of cryosections for histochemistry
Microwave cryostat procedure for large specimen
15. Microwaves and staining
Theory and practice of staining in the microwave processor
Microwave Warthin-Starry method
Microwave Southgate mucicarmine method
Microwave Alcian-blue method
Microwave Fontana-Masson method
Microwave Grimelius silver method
Microwave Grocott methenamine silver-nitrate method
Microwave Jones periodic acid methenamine silver method
Microwave Jones-Marres method
Microwave Perls iron stain
Microwave rhodamine method
Microwave Bosma-Steiner method
Microwave Elastica Van Gieson method
Microwave Azan staining method
Microwave Romanowsky-Giemsa method for plastic-embedding bone-marrow
Microwave PAS staining method for glycol methacrylate sections
Microwave Hanker-Giammara silver staining method of
cytochemical-reation products
Microwave AgNOR method
Microwave staining method for nerve and muscle biopsies
Microwave Nissl method
Microwave Klüver-Barrera method
Microwave Bodian silver method
Microwave King silver method
Microwave Rio-Hortega method
Microwave Häggqvist method for human brain
16. Microwaves for decalcification
Decalcification in the Milestone processors
Decalcification in the Pelco 3440 microwave processor
Microwave-stimulated decalcification using nitric acid
Microwave-stimulated decalcification using formic acid
Microwave exposure for the study of bone canaliculi
17. Microwave exposure in immunostaining
Temperature controlled microwave-enhanced incubations for
immunostaining in the Milestone processors
Immunostaining in the Pelco microwave processors
18. Microwaves and cell fixation for TEM and SEM
Microwave-stimulated fixation of single cells
Microwave stabilization of single cells
Microwave-stimulated aldehyde fixation of cell monolayers
Microwave-stimulated aldehyde fixation of cell pellets
Comparison of microwave stabilization and fixation
Cytochemistry and immunocytochemistry at EM level in microwaved
Microwaving for immunoelectron microscopy of cultured cells
Microwave stabilization for scanning electron microscopy
Microwave-stimulated fixation of cells for scanning electron
Microwave method for electron microscopy in aspiration cytology
19. Microwaves and tissue fixation for TEM and SEM
Working with the Milestone REM Processor for EM
Microwave-stimulated fixation for TEM using the Pelco 3440
Microwave procedure for TEM fixation with membrane protection
Microwave-enhanced fixation for TEM of the parathyroid
Microwave procedure for TEM fixation of brain slices
Microwave stabilization for SEM
Microwave-stimulated fixation for SEM
Microwaving for electron microscopy in Boston
20. Microwave exposure in immunoelectron microscopy
Temperature control in the immunogold technique
Immunogold labeling of antigens on mesothelial cells using microwave
Lysosmal localization of acid phosphatase in prostate epithelium
using microwave exposure
Microwaving and preembedding in immunoelectron microscopy
21. Microwaves and embryology
Combining microwave-stimulated formalin fixation and frozen
Combining microwave stabilization and frozen sectioning
Combining microwave stabilization and paraffin embedding
Microwave-stimulated formalin fixation of embryos in fertilized fish
Microwave treatment of chimeric mouse embryos
Microwave-stimulated Kryofix fixation of cuticulized embryos
22. Microwave exposure and epoxy-resin embedding for TEM
Working with the Milestone REM Processor for EM embedding
Working with the Pelco processors for EM embedding
Microwave embedding for TEM using the Pelco processors
Temperature control in the BioRad H2500 in the dehydrations steps
Microwave embedding for TEM
23. Microwaves and botany
The AgNOR story in botany
Microwave-enhanced immunostainings in botanic sections
Microwave exposure for rapid killing and fixing of plant tissue
Microwave-stimulated glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide fixation of
plant tissue
Microwave-stimulated glutaraldehyde fixation of yeast cells
Microwave-stimulated fixation for the preservation of soluble
Microwave-stimulated staining of plant virus inclusion bodies
Microwave-stimulated staining of plastic sections
Processing plant tissues for ultrastructural studies
Processing plant tissue in the Pelco 3450 Processor
24. Microwaves and entomology
Microwave exposure to extrude hidden cuticular parts for SEM
25. High-temperature heat treatment for immunhistochemistry and molecular
Chemical composition and pH of the retrieval solution
Heat treatment in domestic microwave ovens
The ER story
The MiB-1 story
The p53 story
Working the Milestone T/T Mega for high-temperature heat treatment
Microwave superheating in the Milestone Pressure Reactor
Combining microwave heat treatment with signal amplification
Multiple immunostainings: microwave heat treatment for blocking of
cross-reactivity, false-positive staining and antigen retrieval
Multiple immunoenzyme staining of paraffin tissue sections
DNA and RNA retrieval in formalin-fixed tissue and sections by
microwave heat treatment
Microwave heating for RNA-ISH in formalin-fixed tissues
Antigen retrieval for immunoelectron microscopy
Antigen retrieval in plastic sections
26. Miscellany
Mordanting in the microwave oven
Bleaching melanin in the microwave oven
Drying and attaching sections using the microwave oven
Treating plastic and glass equipment (sterilizing?)
Preparation of bacteriological-culture media
Microwave-stimulated Ce-Pb conversion
Cryoquenching and microwaving
Treating cryosections in the microwave oven
Microwave digestion for forensic pathology
Destaining slides in the microwave oven
Deparaffinizing sections in the microwave oven
Microwaves and wine
The formalin-free microwave laboratory
Microwave Technology
for Light Microscopy and Ultrastructural Studies
by Anthony S-Y Leong, M.D.
Dr. Anthony S-Y Leong is one of the world's best-known pioneers in the use
of microwave technology for histopathology. This book is a compendium of the
knowledge he has gathered in 20 years of activity. It describes the variety
of purposes to which microwaves can be applied, providing detailed
information on the techniques and procedures that he and his colleagues have
This book is an excellent primer for any pathologist or histologist who is
considering the transition to microwaves. It is also good reading for anyone
who has already made that transition and now wants to get the most out of
their new technology.
Table of Contents:
1. Introduction
Effects of low dose microwave and radio frequency radiation on
mammalian tissues
Microwaves - physical properties
Background to applications in histopathology
2. Tissue Fixation
Microwave fixation of large specimens
Microwave fixation of tisue blocks
Motable differences in the properties of microwave -fixed and
formalin-fixed sections
Incorporation of microwave -fixation with conventional tissue
Formaldehyde toxicity
Principles of tissue fixation
A classification of Microwave fixation
Microwave -stimulated aqueous formaldehyde fixation
Microwave fixation and microwave stimulated fixation of whole organs
Microwaves for fixation in neurochemical analysis
Optimal temperatures for Microwave fixation and Microwave stimulated
Protocol for Microwave fixation for light microscopy
Are organisms destroyed during Microwave fixation?
Microwave fixation for electron microscopy
Ultrastructural enzyme and antigen preservation in Microwave -fixed
Protocol for Microwave stimulated fixation of specimens for electron
Microwave stimulated fixation for accelerated processing of fine
needle biopsy specimens for ultrastructural diagnosis
Protocol for rapid Microwave stimulated fixation and processing of
fine needle aspiration biopsies
Microwave fixation for cytological preparations
3. Microwave Accelerated Demineralisation
4. Cryostat Sections
5. Histochemical and Immunohistological Staining
Light microscopy
Microwave -stimulated staining of reticulin in plastic sections with
ammoniacal silver nitrate (Leong and Pulbrook, 1989)
A new Microwave -stimulated stain for melanocytic lesions (Leong &
Gillham, 1989)
Electron microscopy
Immunohistological staining
General comments
6. Antigen Retrieval
Microwave antigen retrieval
Antigen retrieval for cytological preparations
Protocol for immunolabelling of cytological preparations
Antigen retrieval for electron microscopy
Proposed mechanism of formalin fixation and antigen retrieval
7. Applications in Molecular Analyses
8. Rapid Tissue Processing
Conventional Tissue Processing
Microwave -Stimulated Tissue Processing
Impact of Microwave -Stimulated Tissue Processing
Protocol for Microwave -Stimulated Tissue Processing
Rapid Processing for Electron Microscopy
9. Chemical and Industrial Applications
10. Conclusions
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