[Histonet] looking for suggestions on distiguishing protozoa.

Melody Thiessen mail2melody <@t> yahoo.com
Tue Apr 12 21:05:47 CDT 2005

"Does someone have a suggestion for a stain that would distinguish bacteria from protozoa?"
I checked with my Microbiology instructor.  He said that usually bacteria and protozoa can be distinguished from one another based on size alone (protozoa are considerably larger than bacteria).  Shape can also indicate as bacteria are usually one of the three major shapes:  coccus (round), bacillus (rod), or spirochete (like a snake).  Most standard micro stains (crystal violet, methylene blue, etc.) should stain both bacteria and protozoa enough to see both clearly.  I hope that helps a little.
-Melody Thiessen
(HT student)

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