[Histonet] Sulfur Granule Stain

Bill Blank bill501 <@t> mindspring.com
Wed Sep 15 11:27:02 CDT 2004

At 4:02 PM +0100 9/15/04, Marshall Terry Dr,
	Consultant Histopathologist wrote:
>A tea strainer would likely have been better than ThinPrep:-)

LOL! I do use tea strainers in the gross room (American tea 
strainers...). Almost anything will stain them - an H&E is fine. They 
are PAS+, AFB+ Gram+ etc

It might be better to culture for actinomyces... If this is a serious 

As I recall...

Bill Blank
http://kernunnos.com (Celtic studies and numismatics)
OBOD's Message board: http://www.druidry.org/board

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