[Histonet] vector ABC to Cao Xudong

Edmondson David (RBV) NHS Christie Tr David.Edmondson <@t> christie-tr.nwest.nhs.uk
Thu Sep 2 11:47:56 CDT 2004

To Cao Xudong/co Histonet
The DAKO ABC kit we used after several days, I thought they suggested a week
by way of a use-by time.  But that is a few years back now.

Manchester UK
-----Original Message-----
From: John C. Dennis [mailto:dennijc <@t> vetmed.auburn.edu]
Sent: 02 September 2004 15:54
To: Cao, Xudong
Cc: histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
Subject: Re: [Histonet] vector ABC

The Vector tech folk once told me that they'd used it up to several hours
(8-12).  I've kept it up to 4 hours but after that I dump it.

John Carroll Dennis
Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharmacology
109 Greene Hall
Auburn University, AL  36849

On Wed, 1 Sep 2004, Cao, Xudong wrote:

> Dear all,
> does anybody know how long a ready-to-use ABC solution is good for? I am
thinking about re-use the mixed solution if it is good for more than 48
> thanks.
> Xudong Cao
> post-doc fellow
> Brown University
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