[Histonet] microscope eyepiece adaptor
Philip Oshel
peoshel <@t> wisc.edu
Tue Oct 12 12:59:00 CDT 2004
Thales-Optem, or whatever they're calling themselves nowadays:
We have one for connecting a Nikon Coolpix 5000 to our various light
microscopes. Works well, is well made, and is significantly cheaper
than the other brand I've seen (which name I forget, but ...). Get
the 30 mm accessory, and you'll be able to use this in most any
microscope eyepiece or phototube, 22 mm or 30 mm diameter.
But! This isn't enough! You also need to get the Nikon filter
adapter. For the 5000, this was the E6-UR (if I remember right). This
is a step-down adapter that screws into the front of the lens, and
the eyepiece adapter then fits in the filter adapter. I don't know
the part number for a 990.
We bought ours from National Graphic Supply:
But you'll have to call and talk to the rep for your area -- supplies
like this are *not* obvious on their web site.
>We need to urgently purchase a microscope eyepiece adaptor to fix a Nikon
>Cool Pix Digital Camera (990) on to a Lieca microscope (Leica DMR) Wetzler
>Gmbh (Type 020-525-024 )in our lab.
>I would very much appreciate to know whether any one knows from where can I
>get a suitable eye piece adaptor
>Kushan Tennakoon
>Dr. Kushan Tennakoon
>Department of Biological Sciences
>Old Dominion University
>110, Mills Godwin Bldg.,
>45th Street, Norfolk,
>VA 23529 -0266
>Tel: + 757 683 3610
>Fax: + 757 683 5283
>Email: ktennako <@t> odu.edu
>Histonet mailing list
>Histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
Philip Oshel
Supervisor, BBPIC microscopy facility
Department of Animal Sciences
University of Wisconsin
1675 Observatory Drive
Madison, WI 53706
voice: (608) 263-4162
fax: (608) 262-5157 (dept. fax)
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