[Histonet] Re: GI bx
Mark Ray
darkdaym <@t> mindspring.com
Thu Oct 7 18:11:30 CDT 2004
I have to agree with Bob. E K Industries has been selling Reagent
Alcohol to clinical and research labs for quite a while. Longer than I
care to think about. Never had a complaint and never heard anything
like this. A while back, someone on Histonet explained how the
combination of the two denaturing agents produced a mixture
indistinguishable in its properties from absolute ethanol in histology
applications. I can't remember who or when. Any other Reagent Alcohol
users care to comment?
Mark Ray
E K Industries
RSRICHMOND <@t> aol.com wrote:
>In regard to alcohols:
>Do people have really strong evidence that denatured alcohol behaves any differently from pure ethanol?
>Absolute (100%) ethanol is a major security problem for the laboratory, since tax authorities (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms - Department of Justice - in the USA) want to make really sure that it isn't diverted for beverage use. Many hospitals just don't have the storage facilities.
>In common use is what's generically called "reagent alcohol", with 90% ethanol, 5% methanol, and 5% isopropanol. This is denaturation formula "S3DA modified", the "modified" referring to the fact that isopropanol is also added to the methanol-denatured S3DA mix. - Another denaturant permitted in histology is methylisobutylketone (MIBK), which smells so bad that most labs don't want to use it. (Alcohol denatured with acetone is also available - unacceptable because it removes eosin instantly.)
>This old pathologist hasn't seen any difference between pure ethanol and reagent alcohol. Is any of you sure that there is a difference?
>Bob Richmond
>Samurai Pathologist
>Knoxville TN and Gastonia NC
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>Histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
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