[Histonet] BCL6, EDTA buffer

Browning Deb browning <@t> HHSC.CA
Fri May 21 12:46:27 CDT 2004

Good afternoon:  As much as I dislike EDTA buffer due to the poor morphology
(especially if not properly fixed) that it renders, I have not had much
success with BCL6 staining with any other buffers.  I would appreciate any
information on how to improve the morphology of the tissue, the use of other
buffers, or any success stories, since I just can't seem to pull the rabbit
out of the hat here.  Thank you.

Debra Browning, ART
Technical Specialist, Immunohistochemistry
Anatomic Pathology
Hamilton Health Sciences
phone: (905) 527-4322  ext 46131
e-mail:  browning <@t> hhsc.ca
fax: (905) 524-2681

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