[Histonet] Help for a Histotech

O'Neil oneil <@t> wmca.net
Sat May 8 16:10:03 CDT 2004

I am currently trying to get certified to be a histotechnician and I am looking for tissue including Artery, Liver, Lung, Skin to include epithelium, Kidney to include cortex and medulla, Tonsil, Uterus to include endometrium and myometrium, Small intestine to include all layers, and any AFB tissue.  If there is anyone out there who has any information that can help me please e-mail me at oneil <@t> wmca.net, or mail the tissues to Wasatch Histo Consultants
Attn: Martena
80 Youngberg Road
Winnemucca, NV 89445

I would appreciate any information and/or help anyone can give me.

Thank You,
Martena Ramos

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