[Histonet] (no subject)

Vinnie Della Speranza dellav <@t> musc.edu
Fri Jun 11 11:30:21 CDT 2004

Excellent question. You are quite correct that processing all tissues together will create avoidable problems.

generally, needle biopsy or small endoscopic specimens can be processed with as little as ten-fifteen minutes in each alcohol and xylene step. if your processor has three or more paraffin steps, you can use ten or fifteen minutes in each. Keep in mind that the first paraffin is frequently contaminated with xylene so subsequent exposure of the tissues to "clean" paraffin is key to good infiltration of the tissuesl We turn our "rush" biopsies around in about an hour on the processor with about 5 minutes in each step and still get very good results. It is important of course that you have a schedule in place for the regular freshening or changing of processing solutions.

Let me make you aware of a relatively new (year 2) proficiency program that you may want to consider for your laboratory. Its called Histo-QIP offered jointly by the CAP and the NSH. It assesses the quality of your histologic preparations and stains using a variety of exercises the subscribing labs submit for evaluation. You receive an assessment and detailed educational material back that can be used to educate staff. Participation gives you a good idea of what aspects of your operation may need corrective action AND steps on how to achieve the quality you want. I participate on the Histotechnology committee that developed the Histo-QIP program for the CAP but I also enroll my lab because of my strong feelings for the program

biopsies processed on long cycles normally reserved for larger excisions will be at risk for having protein-bound water removed, the effects of which can be quite dramatic. These typically include pyknotic nuclei with very poor chromatin detail. they are very dark and appear to be overstained.. overprocessed tissues may also be very difficult to cut.

Vinnie Della Speranza
Manager for Anatomic Pathology Services
Medical University of South Carolina
165 Ashley Avenue  Suite 309
Charleston, SC 29425
Ph: 843-792-6353
fax: 843-792-8974

>>> "Rush, Joyce" <Joyce.Rush <@t> sjmcmn.org> 06/11/04 10:37AM >>>
I am a Lab Manager, not a Histotech, and I need your help. We are a general pathology practice and need to know what kind of processing cycles others use for small bx's.  Currently our lab processes all tissues together, large and small, and therefore has much trouble with over processed bx's.  
I would very much appreciate your guidance so that I can help our histology area move forward.
Thanks so much!

Joyce A. Rush, BS, MT(ASCP) 
Laboratory Manager 
St Joseph's Medical Center 
523 North Third Street 
Brainerd, MN  56401 
Office:218-828-7500   Fax:  218-828-7510 


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