[Histonet] RE: Info required on antibodies
C.M. van der Loos
c.m.vanderloos <@t> amc.uva.nl
Wed Jun 2 04:47:58 CDT 2004
Dear Carmen,
We successfully used the following on FFPE sections (HIER: Tris/EDTA pH9.0 for 15 min at 100C in microwave and 10 min cool-down):
Kip1/p27 from Dako (M 7203) using an 1:100 dilution (60 min, RT) and detection with EnVision+ GAM/HRP. DAB+ as chromogen.
Fli-1 from Santa Cruz (# sc-356) using a 1:2000 dilution (overnight 4C) and detection with PowerVision-GAR/AP (www.immunovisiontech.com). Permanent Red (Dako) as chromogen.
Hope this helps!
Chris van der Loos, PhD
Dept. of Pathology
Academic Medical Center
Amsterdam - The Netherlands
----- Original Message -----
>From carmen loiselle <carmen_loiselle <@t> hotmail.com>
Date Tue, 01 Jun 2004 11:46:37 -0400
To histonet <@t> pathology.swmed.edu
Subject [Histonet] Info required on antibodies
Hello everyone,
Does anyone have any information regarding the following antibodies;
P19(INK4d), Kip1/P27 and fli-1 ??? These antibodies would be used on
paraffin sections for immunohistochemistry . We also have Ventana
immunostainer (NEXES and Benchmark) .
Any input would be greatly appreciated . Thank you in advance.
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