[Histonet] nissl strain
lpwenk <@t> sbcglobal.net
lpwenk <@t> sbcglobal.net
Wed Jul 7 19:23:52 CDT 2004
The tissue is drying out.
To prevent this, apply a synthetic mounting media BEFORE the xylene
evaporates, and cover with a coverslip of glass or acetate tape.
The synthetic mounting media will dry, permanently attaching the coverslip
to the slide and tissue (so you can't accidentally scratch off the tissue).
AND, the great bonus, the tissue will look "wet" all the time, so the stain
and image will look like it is supposed to look.
Same reason why every H&E and every special stain and IHC stain are
In microbiology and hematology, they can get away with not coverslipping
stains like giemsa on blood smears and auramine-rhodamine on smears from
bronchus mucus. That is because they are working with SMEARS of individual
cells or micro-organisms. In histology, we are working with fixed and
processed tissues, with cells that are have been compromised by all the
chemicals, and that need to be coverslipped to look right.
Peggy A. Wenk, HTL(ASCP)SLS
William Beaumont Hospital
Royal Oak, MI 48073
----- Original Message -----
From: <mgorin <@t> umich.edu>
To: <histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 10:56 AM
Subject: [Histonet] nissl strain
> i did a nissl stain w. cresyl violet. after my last xylene step i have
> letting the slides dry off, and i visulize them (w. out a cover slip,
> slides will be used for LCM), and the slides look great.
> if after about 5 min of drying i look at them, all of a sudden this
> overcomesthe slide and the tissue looks black in color. i can actauly view
> blackness overcome the slide.
> then if i redip it in xylene, the blackness goes awya and the slides look
> again. i find if i cover slip the slides prior to teh blackness, they
> in the good looking state. why is this happening? how can i stop it from
> happening w/ our a cover slip? wat is going on here?
> someone in my lab suggested oxidation, but i am not quite sure wat thta is
> about.
> -mike-
> ann arbor
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