[Histonet] mouse perfusion

Cooperman, Sharon (NIH/NICHD) scoop <@t> mail.nih.gov
Thu Feb 12 18:11:58 CST 2004

Dear Histoneteers,

I am having trouble with mouse perfusion.  We do an intracardiac (left
ventricle perfusion).  I start out fine, but about halfway through the
perfusion I get a bad hand cramp (I have writer's cramp) and can't hold the
needle well.  I often wind up punching through the septum or the anterior
wall and the rest of the perfusion doesn't go well, so I get good flushing
of blood but poor fixation.  Does anyone know of a method for holding the
needle without hand fatigue?  There are people in my lab who don't have
writer's cramp who have much less trouble with perfusions, but I can't
change the writer's cramp stuff.


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