[Histonet] Justification for Tape Coverslipper
Klinipath R.Kusters
ronald <@t> klinipath.nl
Mon Feb 2 13:03:17 CST 2004
Dear all,
Anyone having problems with tape coming off!!
Contact Mercedes Medical in Sarasota Florida (www.mercedesmedical.com) for a free sample roll of the KP-Tape.
Lotts of advantages such as a much better adhesive power and price.
Good luck,
Ronald Kusters
-----Original Message-----
>From: "Browning Deb"<browning <@t> HHSC.CA>
>Sent: 02-02-04 15:48:32
>To: "'Cheasty, Sandra'"<SCheasty <@t> ahs.llumc.edu>, "HistoNet (E-mail)"<histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu>
>Subject: RE: [Histonet] Justification for Tape Coverslipper
>Our main concern, while we do find the tape expensive, is the fact that the
>tape coverslips "remove" themselves after a few years, often removing the
>entire section with it, leaving us with drawers full of blank slides and
>loose coverslip/tissue combo's. At this point we need to recut the original
>block. The beauty of this system is that we can ship our slides within
>minutes of coverslipping.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Cheasty, Sandra [mailto:SCheasty <@t> ahs.llumc.edu]
>Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2004 4:47 PM
>To: HistoNet (E-mail)
>Subject: [Histonet] Justification for Tape Coverslipper
>The staff here can hand coverslip 30 slides in 8-10 minutes
>The Sakura tape coverslipper does 30 in 1.5 minutes.
>With our workload this is about 2 hours a day in tech time that would be
>When this tech time cost savings is weighed against the cost of the machine
>and the increase in consumables (tape vs. coverslips and mounting medium)
>the savings does not seem that overwhelming, even over 5 years.
>Am I missing some factor in this equation? I truly love the Sakura
>coverslipper, have used it in two other labs, and even wrote a justification
>for one, but that was in 1992. Has the cost of the tape gone up that much?
>I remember a much bigger savings. Is my memory failing? Any input you
>experts can give me would be much appreciated! (except those who blame my
>failing memory...)
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