[Histonet] Glass vs. Tape Coverslippers

Angela Bitting akbitting <@t> geisinger.edu
Thu Aug 5 06:34:58 CDT 2004

I have used both. Yes, the film coverslippers are faster, but after using one for five years, this institution is considering going to glass. 
My former employer also chose glass over tape. Glass just holds up better over the long run. I think some stains fade over time with tape. Hope I was of help.

>>> <WWmn916 <@t> aol.com> 08/04/04 11:04PM >>>
Hello again,

I'm looking for opinions on the subject of glass coverslippers versus tape  
coverslipping.  I have the opportunity to decide on a system.  My only  
experience has been with tape coverslipping.  I understand machines  that glass 
coverslip are slower than tape systems. Is the refractive index  better with glass 
coverslips under the microscope?  Opinions pros/cons are  appreciated.

Deb King, HT(ASCP)
Sacramento, CA
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