[Histonet] inking needle biopsies

Dorothy.L.Webb <@t> HealthPartners.Com Dorothy.L.Webb <@t> HealthPartners.Com
Wed Aug 4 12:22:40 CDT 2004

At the facility I used to work at, they did exactly as you worded it!
Different colored inks were used for different patient specimens.  We kept
track of the last color used on a logsheet with a histotech verifying what
the PA or pathologist used when grossing in, even inasmuch as the number of
pieces submitted!  It may seem like overkill, but there were 2 breast
specimens interchanged by a pathologist when reading the slides out and it
was bad!  They use a marking eosin that is made up in the lab and sticks
well to the tissue as well as other colors they purchase from a local art
supply place.  The inks are called "Pennco".  I have introduced these at the
facility I now work at and they love them!  They do not get "gunked" up and
adhere nicely with a mordant like Davidson's.  I would be happy to share
more if you EMail me!


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