[Histonet] receiving un-registered specimens

Amy Self ASelf <@t> gmhsc.com
Wed Sep 17 08:36:14 CDT 2003

	Hi all Netters,

	I was wandering how everyone rec'd specimens in the histology lab?
Are they registered into the hospital system before they are grossed in or
are they brought straight to the histo lab, grossed and then registered.  We
have an on-going problem with specimens that are coming to the histology lab
before they are getting registered in the hospital system.  This causes a
lot of confusion with everyone. 

	Also does anyone have a specific policy for handling formalin spills
that they could share with me?  We have a general policy for lab spills but
I don't think that it is detailed enough for the histology lab.

	Thanks for all the help that you all send out not only to me but to
everyone.....Much appreciated.

	Amy Self
	Georgetown Hospital Systems
	843-527-7179 (home)
	843-520-7882 (fax) 

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