[Histonet] Lab Vision's new Rabbit Monoclonal Abs

Lott, Robert Robert.Lott <@t> bhsala.com
Fri Nov 21 11:42:05 CST 2003

At the NSH convention in Louisville there was a poster presentation
regarding Lab Vision's new RABBIT monoclonal Ab against Estrogen
Receptor (Clone SP1)... has anyone else had any experience with this
clone OR their new RABBIT monoclonal Ab against CD3 (Clone SP7) or
Cyclin D1/bcl-1 (Clone SP4) or Calretinin (Clone SP13)? 


Robert L. Lott, HTL(ASCP)

Manager, Anatomic Pathology

Baptist Health System

800 Montclair Road

Birmingham, AL   35213

205-592-5388  phone

205-592-5646  fax

robert.lott <@t> bhsala.com


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