[Histonet] Re: answers on folded sections
Nada Ben Abdallah
n.benabdallah <@t> anatom.unizh.ch
Tue Nov 18 12:51:33 CST 2003
Dear colleagues,
thank you for your replies.
to answer your question hernan, this perfusion protocol is used for both
Timm and neurogenesis. that's why I used it with my mice. As for the drying
of the slides, I already left the slides ON at room temperature but as you
suggested stephanie I will leave them longer and maybe try at 40°C.
Hope this will work.
At 08:49 18.11.03 -0800, slieblich <@t> shaw.ca wrote:
>I have also done 40um sections and nissl. My suggestion is to let them
dry at least over night (up to a couple of days) before staining. Further,
you can put them in a humidifier (or water bath, but just above the water
surface)for 10-20 mins and let them really stick on. That's all I can
think of, or maybe use subbed slides....
>Hope this helps!
>Stephanie Lieblich
>University of British Columbia
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Nada Ben Abdallah <n.benabdallah <@t> anatom.unizh.ch>
>Date: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 2:27 am
>Subject: [Histonet] (no subject)
>> Dear all,
>> I am a freshly starting PhD student and my project concerns mainly
>> dealingwith mouse brain frozen sections. My first work was just to
>> practicehistology was to cut 40 microns coronal sections and nissl
>> stain them.
>> Everything worked fine except that the sections started to fold when
>> stained (although I mounted them on a gelatine coated slides and used
>> gelatine to fix them more on the slides).
>> PS: the mouse from which the brain was taken was perfused with
>> this procedure:
>> -PBS
>> -sulfid
>> -parafolmaldehyde+picric acid
>> and then the brain was placed in 30%sucrose for long time until used.
>> I appreciate it if you have any suggestions before I proceed with
>> my work.
>> Best wishes,
>> nada
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