[Histonet] Re: thin sectioning of PMMA

Driessen, L. L.Driessen <@t> orthop.umcn.nl
Wed Nov 12 00:37:46 CST 2003


Maybe this can help. I always use gelatine-coated glasscarriërs and for stretching out the slices I use a mixture consisting of 7 parts ethanol and 3 parts 2-butyloxy-ethanol. After stretching (done with help of smal brushes and forceps) I cover the slices with a plastic foil (cut out of a sandwich-bag), rub out the excess of stretchingmedium with a tissuepaper and place a glass-carriër on top (you can make a stack if you want). For drying I clamp the stack between two wooden blocks with the means of a glueing clamp and let it dry for at least one night at 37°C.

Leon Driessen,
Orthopaedic Research Laboratory,
UMCN-St. Radboud, Nijmegen,
The Netherlands. 

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