George Cole
georgecole <@t> ev1.net
Fri Dec 19 20:26:11 CST 2003
For Those Who Received Muscle & Nerve packets;
Sorry, when I made up the packets, I used forms filled out for our last
inspection by office staff. The typing was so much better than my own.
All the ingredients were listed, but the actual PAS procedure was left
The following procedure is done after the PAS reagents are prepared:
This follows page 12:
1. Put slides in the fixative 10 minutes to one hour.
2. Rinse well in deionized water.
3. Place in freshly mixed 0.5% aqueous Periodic Acid 5 minutes.
4. Wash thoroughly in deionized water.
5. Place in Schiff's Reagent 15 minutes.
6. Rinse in three changes of acid rinse for two minutes each.
7. Wash in gently running water for a minute or two. Rinse with
deionized water. Stain with Gill's III hematoxylin for
30 seconds to a minute. Blue and rinse with running tap water 15
minutes. Rinse in deionized water.
8 . Dehydrate with 95% and 100% alcohols. Clear in xylene and mount in
Permount or equivalent.
1. Fix for 10 minutes.
2. Rinse well.
3. Digest in filtered Diastase solution for one hour at 37C.
4. Rinse well in deionized water.
5 Proceed with regular PAS routine from step 3 above.
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