[Histonet] Short Benchmarking Survey

Lesley Bechtold Lesley.Bechtold at jax.org
Fri Sep 22 08:47:42 CDT 2023

Dear Histonetters,

Periodically, the Histology Service at The Jackson Laboratory carries out benchmarking surveys to see where we fit with other Histology Labs.  If you are also interested in benchmarking, please answer the questions below and return them to me directly.
I will send the de-identified results to everyone who answers our survey.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Many thanks in advance.

Lesley Bechtold
lesley.bechtold at jax.org
Associate Director, Histopathology Sciences
The Jackson Laboratory
600 Main Street
Bar Harbor, ME 04609

1.	Name of Institution
2.	Type of institution (i.e., hospital, university, pharmaceutical company, etc.)?
3.	Faculty Size?
4.	Number of groups or individuals using the Histology Service
5.	Do you charge for your services?
6.	Labor rate (per hour)?
7.	Labor rate calculation method (i.e., Blended labor rate of materials + labor?  Accounting for unbillable time or using a flat average? Do you charge for labor only or do you charge for materials only?)
8.	Number of employees (full-time and part-time)?
9.	Paraffin blocks - number per year?
10.	Paraffin blocks - price per block?
11.	H&Es - number per year?
12.	H&Es - price per slide?
13.	Do you do IHC? Manual or automated?
14.	Average turn-around time - from tissue to slide (hours, days, weeks)?
15.	Annual total expenditures?
16.	Annual total recovery if fees are charged?

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