[Histonet] Porcessing FFPE tissue without alcohol??

Rene J Buesa rjbuesa at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 26 06:32:56 CDT 2016

The only problem I see is that the fat will be preserved, as you wrote, as a black osmium oxidate but you will not be able to use any "standard" fat stain; otherwise it will work.René 

    On Friday, March 25, 2016 2:41 PM, "Hobbs, Carl via Histonet" <histonet at lists.utsouthwestern.edu> wrote:


Fix the tissue in Formalin, wash well in dw, then place very small pieces into Osmium tetroxide solution ( std soln for TEM post-fixation)
Processing to Pwax as usual.
Basically, you will see lipids as black ( oxidised osmium)
That's the only way to demonstrate solvent- soluble lipids, using Pwax processing.
Sure, there are caveats but, in the main...it will be Ok, imho.
I invite comments as I may be doing exactly this very soon, to count myelinated nerve fibres in a sciatic nerve.

Carl Hobbs FIBMS 
Histology and Imaging Manager 
Wolfson CARD 
Guys Campus, London Bridge  
Kings College London 
SE1 1UL 
020 7848 6813    
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