[Histonet] Dye ?

Melissa Burns mburns at atlanticurologyclinics.com
Fri Sep 25 10:23:12 CDT 2015

Hello All-

I'm having an ongoing issue that I'm hoping all of you smart people can help me with! We are talking about prostate needle biopsy specimens.

We have one company that does a genetic test that is insisting that there is a dye present in the tissue we are sending. None of the other genetics companies we send to have had an issue....just this one....and not on every case we send them! Imagine my confuse :)

The specimens are sent in 10% NBF. There is no dye used in grossing or processing.

Am I missing something? Somewhere that dye may be sneaking in?

We are to the point now that they want to come to the lab and the collecting surgery centers and see if they can figure it out.....



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