[Histonet] Missouri Annual Meeting

Janci Wellborn jwell1958 <@t> msn.com
Thu Apr 24 13:00:30 CDT 2014

It is not too late to have a wonderful weekend with other histotechs at a spa in Branson, Mo! Come and get some continuing education with us in the beautiful hills! There is something for everyone. Studying for the HT/HTL ASCP Exam - come to the review! In research - numerous workshops just for you. Want to brush up on your molecular knowledge? There is some of that also. The link to the registration is https://s3.goeshow.com/nsh/2014MSS/ereg403598.cfm?clear


Janci Wellborn, BS, HTL(ASCP)

President, Missouri Society for Histotechnology

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