[Histonet] Speaking of picrosirius red...

Webb, Rose rose.webb <@t> yale.edu
Wed Nov 13 08:19:46 CST 2013

I use a 0.2% phosphomolybdic acid step when I'm staining cardiac muscle.
Just a quick (2 minutes) before the picrosirius red step.
Without the phosphomolybdic acid sometimes the myocytes stain really
yellow and that makes it more difficult to see the type 1 collagen.

If you don't do the phophomolybdic acid step usually extending the
dehydration steps will get rid of the background as well.
If what you are interested in is the birefringence of the collagen, the
yellow background doesn't matter.
And, some people like that yellow staining, I only consider it a problem
on the cardiac muscle.

On 11/12/13 7:15 PM, "Amos Brooks" <amosbrooks <@t> gmail.com> wrote:

>     In light of the current discussion about picrosirius red I would like
>to revisit a question that was asked a while back. If it was answered
>publicly, I apologize I probably missed it and didn't see it in the
>archives. Someone asked what is the purpose of the phosphomolybdic acid
>step before the picrosirius red. If anyone has a good answer for this I
>would like to know. While it is mostly curiosity, I think knowing what
>step in a stain is for helps keep the quality and consistency of stains.
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