[Histonet] bone marrow aspirations

Shea's jshea121 <@t> roadrunner.com
Sat Jun 1 18:25:37 CDT 2013

I am also interested in how others are processing bone marrow aspirates. Currently, we let the aspirate clot on a watch glass for about 20 minutes, gentle slide it onto filter paper, roll it around to get rid of the excess fluid, place the clot between sponges, and process as usual.
However, I am interested in knowing if any one out there is using a technique that we use to use at another hospital 33 years ago.
 If I remember correctly, the pathologist or oncologist would collect the aspirate using a heparin syringe. Some how, the aspirate smears for Hematology were made on 22x22 cover slips instead of slides. Then the EDTA tube was then given to Histology. I can't remember if we added formalin or B5 fixative to it at that time, but it was filtered into an obex tea bag type filter paper (The blood never clotted and ran through the filter paper, leaving only bone marrow spicules in the paper).  We would fold the paper, place it in the cassette, and process as usual. The pathologist preferred this method because he wouldn't have to look at levels of clot to find spicules.  Is there anyone out there using this method? 

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