[Histonet] Tanner Cryostats

Suzanne Winville s.winville <@t> yahoo.com
Fri Jul 26 12:21:08 CDT 2013

I am inquiring to anyone that has heard of the Tanner cryostat.  I have a colleague that is budgeting for a new unit for their Mohs lab and is familiar with the new Leica CM 1860,  Thermo-Fisher HM525.  She saw that Mercedes Medical sells the Tanner unit that is apparently competitive in price to more familiar units out in the market.   I have done my own due dilligence and discovered that the Tanner unit looks exactly like a unit sold by a Chinese company.   The website is www.syroundfin.com.    I am very skeptical of companies outside the US that do not have a presence here. Service, parts availability and quality is usually a major obstacle as new distributors in the US do not have an extensive enough service organization to uphold the warrantees.   My advice would be to purchase from an established patholgy company that has a worldwide presence.  Does anyone have any experience with this unit and suggestions for alternative models?   Any feedback
 would be greatly appreciated!
Suzanne Winville

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