[Histonet] RE: phobic slides

John Shelley jshelley <@t> sanfordburnham.org
Mon Jul 8 07:47:42 CDT 2013

Hi Bruce,

I just seen your post and I will tell you that I have seen this problem on a Ventana instrument as well. I mostly see it when slides other than superfrost plus slides are used however I have even seen it on those as well. I was told one time to use an antibody diluent just before placing any antibody on the slides. I understand that you most likely do not open your instrument once it is started but I titrate by hand and I have seen it as early as antibody titration or begins after that at secondary titration. There is no rhyme or reason but I can tell you that the oils on one's hand can cause this as well.

Would love to hear about the resolution if there is any. Thanks!!!

Kind Regards!
John J Shelley

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