[Histonet] Microtome maintenance frequency

Allen Keeping D. Allen.Keeping <@t> albertahealthservices.ca
Thu Dec 27 12:40:23 CST 2012

I have a question regarding scheduled maintenance of rotary microtomes. I run a simulation lab for students of lab technology. Part of their histology rotation involves learning how to produce acceptable sections on the microtome. I currently have 3 Leica rotary (manual) microtomes, which are used by students a total of 18-20 days per year (for educational purposes, not to produce diagnostic materials). In addition, I may use a microtome for a couple weeks total each year to produce control materials and to troubleshoot staining issues.

Currently, the microtomes are serviced by a Leica-educated professional annually for preventative maintenance. As these microtomes are only used infrequently, is this level of maintenance necessary (or recommended)? I am contemplating switching to a bi-annual schedule as a cost-saving measure.

Does anyone have any advice or experience regarding maintaining microtomes in a low-volume setting?



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