[Histonet] 10% NBF "Shelf Life"?

Breeden, Sara sbreeden <@t> nmda.nmsu.edu
Tue May 10 13:21:44 CDT 2011

I have just come from the Histonet Archives (cough, cough...) and my
Extensive Library of Histology Reference Books (Sheehan, Carson and
Lillie) and have found nothing on the supposed or generally-accepted
"shelf-life" of 10% NBF.  Is there any such number?  For example, we
make our own 10% NBF in 20L carboys; our usage varies from day to day so
sometimes it's used quickly and sometimes it sits for several weeks.  It
has been proposed to me that we add "shelf life" date to our carboys
when a new batch is made.  I know there is someone out there that has
investigated this before and can give me a time and a reference (and I
need the reference as well for completeness).  Thank you so much - I'm
standing by.  


Sally Breeden, HT(ASCP)

New Mexico Department of Agriculture

Veterinary Diagnostic Services

1101 Camino de Salud NE

Albuquerque, NM  87102

505-383-9278 (Histology Lab)


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