[Histonet] powder stain expiration

Bill B. bill501 <@t> mindspring.com
Mon Jul 26 12:58:49 CDT 2010

We verify these on control tissues yearly and keep a record whether or not there is an expiration date. I see no reason to throw away good material and waste yet more medical dollars. 

Bill Blank, MD

At 10:38 AM -0700 7/26/10, Tench, Bill wrote:
>If the manufacturer has not included an expiration date for these, i
>think there probably isn't one.  I would call the CAP LAP folks and ask
>them about that.  When this kind of issue arises during an inspection,
>it is always better to call while the inspectors are still there.  You
>can get an answer right then and there and it will save everyone a lot
>of time and hassle.

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