[Histonet] ASCP Certified HT moving to Florida

Kate Blanks histotechkate <@t> gmail.com
Sun Jan 10 19:50:04 CST 2010

Hello fellow Histonetters!

I have read this list for a while now but never had an opportunity to post
to it. Now, the time has come to get some info.

I am an ASCP certified Histotechnician (HT) with 7 years experience. I also
have a NYS license. However, now I am moving to Florida - the Orlando area.

I've been trying to find a job for a while now but have been unsuccessful. I
am eligible for my Florida license as either a Technician or Technologist
with some CE courses.

Does anyone on this list have any info about where I should look for

Recruiters, do you have any opportunities in the Orlando area that need

Thanks all,


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