[Histonet] Beta Amyloid

Drew Sally A SDrew <@t> uwhealth.org
Thu Jun 25 10:58:37 CDT 2009

My co-worker previously asked about any versions of this antibody that
didn't require formic acid pretreatment.
I was wondering if there is experience out there using the antibody from
DBS, and what the consensus is about the stability of the antibody (from
any company) after being diluted.  We currently make it up the day of
use, but in anticipating an increased volume were wondering about making
up larger volumes "in advance."  

Thank you for your thoughts and time.

Sally Ann Drew, MT (ASCP)
sdrew <@t> uwhealth.org

IHC/ISH Lab DB1-223, Mail Code 3224
600 Highland Ave.
Madison, WI 53792
Phone (608) 265-6596
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