[Histonet] Combining Cytology and Histology

Bauer, Karen L. Bauer.Karen <@t> mayo.edu
Tue Jul 14 10:37:03 CDT 2009

Are there any sites that are using CoPath with one number wheel for
accessioning Cytology and Histology cases together?
Right now, we have two separate departments with Cytology ordering under
"C09-" and Histology ordering under "S09-" and we have have totally
separate specimen classes.
We are wondering if it's possible to use a single number wheel, using a
combined number such as "P09-" (for Pathology), but still have each
department order their own tests.  This way, for example, when Cytology
enters a FNA specimen in the morning and we (Histology) get a biopsy on
the same patient a few hours later, when we enter the patient we are
notified by the CoPath system that specimens were already assigned to
that patient and we can use the same accession number.  When the case is
complete, everything is in one tray and can be signed out all together.
One of our docs wants to have everything from Histology and Cytology on
one report for the patient.  Is this possible?  Can Cytology still
result the case if we have one accession number for everything?
Any help or ideas on this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks much!
Karen Bauer
Karen L. Bauer HT(ASCP), BS
Histology Section Chief
Department of Pathology - Luther Hospital
Luther Midelfort - Mayo Health System
bauer.karen <@t> mayo.edu

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