[Histonet] Proper Grossing Attire

John Kiernan jkiernan <@t> uwo.ca
Wed May 7 00:11:47 CDT 2008

   With    respects,    and    hoping    that    nobody    will    take
   offence:<BR>Why     histotechnology        forum?<   Kiernan<BR>Anatomy,  UWO<BR>London,   =  =<BR>-----  Original  Message  -----<BR>   Pence  &lt;mpence <@t> grhs.net&gt;<BR>Date: Tu   May  6,  2008  10:40<BR>Subject:  [Histonet]  Proper  G   rossing Attire<BR>To:
   histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu<BR   would  like  to  hear  everyone's  opinions on what t   <BR>&gt;    is   for<BR>&gt;   "grossing   in"      specimens.&nbsp;   Two   levels   of   grossing   in  are:  1)
   <BR>&gt   a  punch  bx  <BR   describing,  cutting,   and<BR>&gt;     advanced    t   colons-placentas.<BR>&gt;  &nbsp;<   question  is:  "Is  gloves  alone  appropriate  attire  fo   <BR>&gt;  first  level?<BR>&gt;  What do you wear w   hen     grossing     at     the     second    level?<BR>&gt;
   &nbsp;<BR>&   save  yourself much <BR>   sure.<BR>&gt;   &nbsp   advance,<BR>&gt;            Mike<BR>&   ______________________   _______________________   5F   Histonet <@t> lis   http://lists.utsouthwester

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