[Histonet] New Mexico NSH Meeting

Breeden, Sara sbreeden <@t> nmda.nmsu.edu
Mon Jun 16 10:48:42 CDT 2008

To all of you who are headed this direction for the NSH Summer Symposium
on Friday and Saturday - just a reminder!  This is SUMMER and this is
NEW MEXICO.  It's hot and it's DRY (95-ish degrees this week and about
10%-ish humidity).  Mornings and evenings are usually (of course, this
jinxes it, you know...) cool at about 60 degrees and the evenings after
sunset are warm and wonderful for seeing the sights.  Bring lotion and
remember to drink lots of liquids (the choice of liquid is entirely up
to you... "what happens in Albuquerque stays in Albuquerque"!!).  Oh,
yeah - you don't need a passport to get into the State.  See you


Sally Breeden, HT(ASCP)

NM Dept. of Agriculture

Veterinary Diagnostic Services

PO Box 4700

Albuquerque, NM  87106



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