[Histonet] Paraffin blocks (reprise)

Liebkowsky, James Mateo Ari Ari.Liebkowsky <@t> charite.de
Thu Jul 3 05:25:58 CDT 2008

Hi Rene, 
Thanks for your response. Well, the blocks are already being used and the collection hasn't even been fully compiled yet, so I guess we can say the work has a purpose.
My first idea was also to run random tests, however, I'm not a histologist but an administrator. Scientists who have used the blocks insist that the blocks are still usable, even if it's not as good as a fresh sample - they say it depends on the how good the antibody used is and which question is being asked. So I will go with their judgement. 
Can I ask why you consider fumigation to be the best option?
James Ari Liebkowsky
SFB 665 Coordinator
PA to Professor Nitsch
Institute for Cell Biology and Neurobiology
Center for Anatomy
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 450 528 072
Fax.: +40 30 450 528 902
E-mail: ari.liebkowsky <@t> charite.de

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