[Histonet] Re: Non-gyn cytology prep

Georgia Weigel geoweigel <@t> hotmail.com
Thu Dec 11 22:50:49 CST 2008

When doing cell blocks you should not process the fibrin tissue or what is floating on top. At least that has always been the preference of the pathologist's that I've worked with. They don't want to see the fibrin or the junk that's floating on top. You will not get the cells that they want to see from the fibrin. Your cells are going to be in the button, or the so called "gunk" on the bottom of the conical tube. You should centrifuge at least a good 50ml for a cell block. Now, if your button after centrifugation is still rather small and you have additional fluid then pour off the top and spin down more fluid until your button is a good size. 
G Weigel, HT (ASCP)
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