[Histonet] posting for Tim

pruegg <@t> ihctech.net pruegg <@t> ihctech.net
Thu Dec 11 15:14:57 CST 2008

   respond directly to Tim on this at&nbs

   "Timothy Malloy" <[2]tmalloy <@t> cox.net> ([3]Add as Preferred Sender)
   [4] 3D? 
   <   Date: Thu, Dec 11, 2008 2:57 am
   To:     <[5]PRUEGG <@t> IHCTECH.NET>,     <[6]tmalloy77 <@t> hotm   <[7]tmalloy <@t> cox.net>

   Hi Patsy,
   I am a fan of yours on histonet. Just recently I moved my mail fr   hotmail to outlook and lost histonets address. Could you supply me
   with    likely to answ   and we are in need o   of a microwave. We have iss   age of the building. Would you kno   pneumocystisis on a hot plate??

   Thank You Tim Malloy

   [8]tmalloy <@t> cox.net or
   [9]tmalloy77 <@t> hotmail.
   Timothy Malloy  HT  (ASCP) A.A.S.


   1. 3D"http://em=/
   2. 3D"http://email.secureserver.net/addressBookQuickAdd.php?contact   3. 3D"http://email.secureserver.net/w   4. 3D"http://email.secureserver.net/webm   5. 3D"http://email.secureserver.net/addressBookQuickAdd.php?cont   6. 3D"http://email.secureserver.net/addr   7. 3D"http://emai=/
   8. file://localhost/tmp/3D"m   9. 3D"mailto:tmalloy77 <@t> hotmail.com"

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