[Histonet] Re: Dermpath ???

Robert Richmond RSRICHMOND <@t> aol.com
Fri Sep 28 09:52:41 CDT 2007

This thread has some issues that might be worth untangling.

Dermatopathology is a subspecialty certification. Pathologists and
dermatologists who have their respective basic board certifications
are eligible to sit the exam for the dermatopathology certification.

A pathologist with anatomic pathology boards is qualified to sign out
dermatopathology cases. So is a dermatologist with dermatopathology
boards. (I'm not familiar with the various issues concerning
dermatologists without derm path certification.)

It's a great deal easier to do dermatopathology for a dermatologist
than it is to do it for a primary care practitioner who's on the loose
with a biopsy punch. The dermatologist can give me a list of possible
diagnoses which I then, if I'm completely at sea, I can crank through
with a good derm path textbook such as Weedon. The GP who sends me a
history of "rash" and can offer no more information when I call him -
now that case needs a dermatopathologist to sign it out!

Mohs surgeons read their own frozen sections as they work, and a
pathologist is little help to them. Most Mohs surgeons unload anything
else on a pathologist! A Mohs surgeon should be highly qualified to
read his own frozen sections.

With this important exception - in general it's not a good idea for
clinicians to read slides on their own patients.

Bob Richmond
Samurai Pathologist
Knoxville TN

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