[Histonet] Re: sentinel biopsies

Robert Richmond RSRICHMOND <@t> aol.com
Tue Nov 27 12:17:36 CST 2007

Heather D. Renko, Histology Coordinator, OSF Saint Anthony Medical
Center, Rockford Illinois asks:

>>I seen your query a few years back on your sentinel node protocol
and did not know if your obtained your information on how to dispose
of radioactive material from your nodes. If so, can I see your
protocols. I am revising mine and would appreciate any help

The radioisotope used in sentinel node procedures is technetium 99m,
which has a half-life of six hours. The level of radioactivity of
these specimens is low enough that they do not require any special
handling. By the time a pathology specimen is ready to be disposed of
(at least a week, probably more) the radioisotope is many half-lives
out, and the level of radiation probably undetectable.

Bob Richmond
Samurai Pathologist
Knoxville TN

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