[Histonet] Re: microglia/philosophy OT

Carl Hobbs carl.hobbs <@t> kcl.ac.uk
Mon Jun 25 14:24:04 CDT 2007

Well, Ray, your answer is worthy of rereading, digestion and  cogitation 
before I am able to give you my reply which I hope is worthy of your 
eloquence in elaborating your point of view.
Perhaps Cicero would have been proud of you.......?
I will reply by personal email, as a very poor substitute of that very 
tempting offer to chew this cud over a few beers. However, if anyone else is 
willing to pitch in on the Histonet server.......I'm game.

Yes..I too miss JKiernan's incisive comments, pearls of wisdom, words of 
caution ( to name a few of his admirable professional qualities).

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