[Histonet] c-fos staining

jaina.negandhi <@t> sickkids.ca jaina.negandhi <@t> sickkids.ca
Fri Jul 13 09:32:22 CDT 2007


I am carrying out c-fos staining on free-floating cross-sections of the
brain. I am trying to map out the entire brain, and need to use a marker to
distinguish between the left and right sides, as they are symmetrical.

Does anyone know of a marker (eg. dye) that I can use on a full brain
sample without causing too much damage. I'd like to be able to mark it
without gelatin embedding if possible.


Jaina Negandhi
Research Project Coordinator
Neuroscience and Mental Health
Hospital for Sick Children
Mc Master Building, RM 3006
Tel: 416-813-6551
Fax: 416-813-8724

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