[Histonet] Re: embedding without a station?

RSRICHMOND <@t> aol.com RSRICHMOND <@t> aol.com
Wed Jan 24 13:43:36 CST 2007

I've certainly seen an electric fry pan used in place of an embedding 
station, at a "little histology lab on the prairie" - an ordinary house used as a 
histology lab (I've seen at least three of these), no ventilation for the 
formaldehyde, and God help everybody if the open bucket Technicon catches fire.

Meanwhile, I suppose, the department of radiology was doing mammograms with 
the X-rays emitted from the back end of an old color TV set?

The red-haired stepchild again.

Bob Richmond
Samurai Pathologist
Knoxville TN

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