[Histonet] prolonged impregnation in Golgi-Cox (Kolb) staining

Olek Michalski olek.michalski <@t> nencki.gov.pl
Thu Dec 13 14:31:22 CST 2007

Dear Histonetters,

I have some brains which were left in Golgi-Cox chromation solution  
(K2Cr2O7, KCrO3, HgCl2: about 1% of each) for over 6 months. I would  
really like to use this material even if staining would not be very clear.  
Do you have an idea how to process the tissue in this case? Any help would  
be appreciated (and I know, next time I will be more careful about where I  
leave my preparates).
By the way, I have already cut one of these brains and I found the  
sections to be dark green. I have noticed this colour in my G-C preparates  
before but mainly on the surface. I am actually curious whether the tissue  
should be more green or more red when I cut it. I mean should I shorten  
the normal period of chromation (about 14-15 days) if I see the brain is  
getting green?

Yours truly
Olek Michalski
        Laboratory of Neurobiology
       of Development and Evolution

  Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology
  ul. Pasteura 3, 02-093 Warszawa,  Poland
  Tel. +48 22 5892268,  Fax +48 22 8225342

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