[Histonet] manual IHC queries

louise renton louise.renton <@t> gmail.com
Wed Dec 12 02:36:10 CST 2007

Hi all,

Firstly: As a matter of interest - when using small amounts of primary
antibody does anyone use  coverslips to spread the solution over the section
and keep it from evaporating during the incubation? (i do use a humidity
chamber also).  I have been doing this for ages and wondering if there is an
alternative to use other than the coverslips that may be cheaper - any

secondly, Although 30min incubations are recommended, is there any value to
increasing incubation times of secondary and ABC complexes to improve
sensitivity? In other words is there a maximal binding period after which no
improvement will be noted?

I hope I have made myself clear here....these are just passing wednesday
thoughts in preparation for the usual  friday meltdown!
Louise Renton
Bone Research Unit
University of the Witwatersrand
South Africa
"There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls".
George Carlin
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